Planned Giving

Support the WWN through Planned Giving or other Tax-Smart Giving

Imagine a day on the glistening waters of Lake Winnisquam, where each ripple reflects our shared commitment to a thriving ecosystem.  The Winnisquam Watershed Network works tirelessly to ensure that every splash, every paddle stroke, and every moment of tranquil reflection is preserved for generations to come.  You can help protect the lake with a lasting gift that maximizes the impact of your gift by protecting your financial security and reducing your taxes. There are several ways to support the WWN in this manner.

1.    Designate the WWN in your will or trust

Making a planned gift to the Winnisquam Watershed Network is a great wa y to ensure that Lake Winnisquam is protected for years to come.  It will also allow you to leave a lasting legacy to your loved ones, while conserving your financial security and achieving other important goals concerning your taxes and your estate.

A common way to make a planned gift is to designate the WWN in your will or trust.  With a planned gift, you can protect your hard-earned assets while also ensuring the protection of our lake for years to come.  Please consult your personal lawyer for ways to designate the Winnisquam Watershed Network in your will or trust, and please let us know so we may provide you with our legal name and federal tax ID. 

2.    Give directly from an IRA

Your IRA can provide a tax-smart way to make an impact to the Winnisquam Watershed Network.  The “Qualified Charitable Distribution”, also called the “IRA Charitable Rollover,” is a great way to make a tax-free gift and satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution.   Please ask your financial advisor about how to reduce your taxes by including the WWN in your IRA gifts.

3.    Give a Gift of Securities

Making a gift of securities (stocks, bonds or mutual funds) is simple and offers several financial benefits:

  • You receive an immediate income-tax deduction for the fair market value of the securities on the date of transfer, no matter what you originally paid for them.

  • You pay no capital gains tax on the securities that you donate to the WWN.

  • When you donate your appreciated stock to WWN, you are making a significant investment in the protection of Lake Winnisquam.

4.    Donate from a Donor Advised Fund

If you have a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF), you can designate the Winnisquam Watershed Network as one of your charities.  Consult your DAF fund manager to set it up.

For more information on tax-smart giving to the WWN, please email