Why Become a WWN Member?
The Winnisquam Watershed Network is a non-profit organization of people like you interested in and dedicated to protecting Lake Winnisquam and its watershed for generations to come. We ask you to consider how important our work is to you and the lake you love, and who else you might recruit to join the WWN so that they too can help support our programs and give us a louder collective voice on issues pertaining to Lake Winnisquam. Your donations will help support our programs, including water quality monitoring, prevention and control of aquatic invasive species, watershed management initiatives, and education and advocacy. Every year since our inception in 2017, we’ve hired companies to remove invasive milfoil from the lake, and more recently invasive water violet found in Jay’s Marina. We provide the Lake Hosts that inspect every boat and trailer that enters and leaves the NH Fish & Game boat ramp in Laconia between Memorial Day and Labor Day, at least 3,000 boats every summer. Our members care passionately about the lake, and they care that others care as well.
Joining the Winnisquam Watershed Network also ensures that you stay abreast of all the latest news from our organization, including our newletters and important announcements about our watershed. Thank you for your support – together we can ensure that Lake Winnisquam remains clean, healthy and sustainable into the distant future.
How To Join
Please review the membership levels below, click either the ANNUAL or MONTHLY button depending on the frequency that works for making your payment, and complete the membership form. You can chose to automatically renew your membership on the Annual form by selecting the “Yearly” donation schedule, or on the Monthly form by leaving the “Continue Donating Until” field blank.
$36 - Caretaker
$60 - Steward
$120 - Preserver
$250 - Advocate
$500 - Guardian
$750 - Champion
$1,000 - Hero
$2,500 - Warrior
$5,000 - Vanguard
$10,000 - Benefactor