Lake Winnisquam Invasive Variable Milfoil Treatment 8/13
SOLitude Lake Management will be on the lake tomorrow, August 13th, to chemically treat portions of the lake for invasive variable milfoil. Specifically, they will be applying the herbicide Procellacor EC at the north end of the lake near the loon sanctuary, in Jay's/Flightcraft Marina, Sunray Shores and Ephraim's Cove. The temporary use restrictions include no swimming within 200 feet of the treated areas for at least 6 hours following treatment. Abutters have been notified and signs posted along the shoreline in these areas but we are letting other lake users know as well. The north end in particular tends to be a popular place to anchor and swim. We're hoping everyone will stay clear of these areas for the day and let SOLitude do their work.
This treatment is part of the Winnisquam Watershed Network's long-term invasive species management program, and is funded by grants, municipal support and donations from our members.
2024 Lake Winnisquam Milfoil Treatment Areas